Yesterday, I was looking at some stamp sites, and found something I wasn't even aware existed. Apparently, last year, Israel re-printed the latest revenue stamps, which were originally printed in 1986 (the same design as the 1984 revenues priced in NIS instead of Shekels). The new printing is a slightly different color, and the Arabic is noticeably different. In addition, the new printing apparently include phosphor, which I believe would be a first for Israel revenues. As far as I know, there were 8 values printed (as opposed to 10 from the original set), with the 80, 100, and 150 NIS values not being reprinted, and a 4 NIS value added. I have asked one of my contacts in Israel to see if he can find a set for me at the post office. Hopefully, I can get the set at face value.
Adam, this would actually be the second reprint. The NIS 1,3,5,10,20 and 40 values were reprinted about 1988 with the darker green leaves and some values with the finer arabic script. I also note that the NIS 4 value is not a reprint. There was no NIS 4 value in the original set.
Have you been able to rack down this new set?
I was able to pick up a set from a dealer in Israel for just over face. Bait-Tov also has the set listed on its website, but with a significant premium attached.
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