Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New things to look for

I spent some time this weekend trying to get my plate block collection cataloged, and found some more interesting items. For example, I found that I have the 12 tribe issue plate blocks with and without watermark, as well as 2 of the 3 issues listed in Bale with the "A" watermark variety (missing only the 20). With my tab collection, I have never looked at the watermark type, just whether it was with watermark or without. It seems I will have some more work to do once I finish with the plateblocks. I also noticed that the ship issue (shown here) has 4 different watermark varieties listed for the low value (10). Of these, I found that I had 3 of the plateblocks. According to my Bale catalog, 2 of these are common, and 2 catalog for $100. Unfortunately, I have only 1 of the 2 high value ones. Again, I will need to go back through my tab collection to see what I have, and this will give me more items to hunt for next time I go to a show. Looking at the watermarks is a pain, so I will probably just look for the ones listed in Bale, rather than look at all of them. Looking on e-bay for watermark varieties is probably not feasible. I am not looking forward to the phosphor varieties on the later stamps.

1 comment:

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