Friday, July 25, 2008

No takers?

Well, so far, I have had no takers for my business idea. Oh well. Not that I expected a flood. My sister was wondering where I was getting the free time to do this. No need to worry so far.

I really haven't had much time to spend on stamps recently. With the time I have been able to find, I did finish scanning and inventorying my shekel plate blocks. I ended up with over 300 different plateblocks, including some varieties not included in the Shekel definitive plate block catalog by Wallach. The Wallach catalog only goes through 1982, and some of the plate blocks were from late 1982, 1983 and 1984 printings. In addition, I found some phosphor errors (partially missing phosphor bars, phosphor spillage, and miscellaneous plate varieties. I haven't looked yet to see how many known varieties I am missing, but my early assessment was that there were 425 cataloged varieties. So, I am approximately 75% complete.

E-bay has been relatively slow recently. Nothing really interesting is being listed. My watch list has 5 active items, with 4 of these being Palestine overprints on Jordan stamps that I am hoping will go cheap. Even looking at recently sold items, there are only 2 interesting lots that I saw. The first was a complete set of Shekel plateblocks (98 dates), this sold for $102, catalog value for this is well over $300, so this is not a great result. Doing much better was a complete set of 21 olive branch plateblocks. This sold for $110, against a catalog value of $136. Guess selling my thousands of duplicate shekel plate blocks should wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have also noticed that there is not as much bidding activity, which may account for the fewer listings that are seen. I for one, have decided to forgo any auctions until the fall when everyone is back from vacation. I think it's somewhat of a buyer's market right now (except we have to compete with our weak dollar against some stronger currencies).