Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Special Cancels

I have been trying to catch up on special cancels recently. There are 4 different types of cancels listed in the catalogs I have, First day cancels, special cancels, slogan cancels, and post office openings. I use the Natchtigal catalog put out by the postal authority. There are 4 editions of the catalog, with the last one having come out in 1998. This presents a problem, since in the past decade, there have been more cancels used. Fortunately, the IPF recently added a cancels catalog to their web page, but unfortunately it does not use the same numbering system. Not only that, I have recently found several cancels that are not listed in the catalog. This makes it hard to collect, since I don't know what I am missing. Checking a list of covers against ones I have is a lot tougher then checking against a list of what I am missing.

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